A groundbreaking collaboration between tech giants Nvidia's powerful computing, Rigetti Computing, and Quantum Machines has successfully automated quantum computer calibration using artificial intelligence, marking a major advance in quantum computing technology.
The joint project demonstrated AI-powered tools Quantum Elements and Qruise remotely calibrating a 9-qubit Rigetti quantum processing unit integrated with Quantum Machines' control system and Nvidia's AI systems.
This automation breakthrough addresses one of quantum computing's key scaling challenges. "As we move toward systems with thousands of qubits, the challenge becomes exponentially more difficult. The traditional approach of manual calibration by quantum physicists simply won't scale with our ambitions for larger quantum computers," explains Yonatan Cohen, co-founder and CTO of Quantum Machines.
The development comes amid accelerating innovation in information security systems. AWS and Nvidia recently partnered to bring CUDA-Q, an open-source quantum development platform, to Amazon Braket. The platform has shown remarkable speed improvements - up to 350 times faster than CPU-based simulations.
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