AMD Ryzen 7 9700X vs. Intel Core i7-14700K: The Unexpected Winner in the CPU Battle

· 1 min read

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In the ever-evolving world of computer processors, two titans clash once again. This time, it's AMD's Ryzen 7 9700X squaring off against Intel's Core i7-14700K. Let's dive into the details of this high-stakes matchup.

The Initial Claims

AMD initially boasted that their Ryzen 7 9700X would outperform Intel's Core i7-14700K by 6% in gaming. However, they later revised this statement, acknowledging that when both processors are run under optimal conditions, their performance is more closely matched.

Real-World Testing

Our comprehensive testing across 42 games reveals some interesting findings:

  • On Windows 11 version 23H2, the 9700X lags behind the 14700K by about 5-6%.
  • In 23 of the tested games, the 9700X fell behind by 6% or more, with 13 games showing double-digit performance gaps.
  • Upgrading to Windows 24H2 narrows this gap, with the 9700X trailing by only 3% on average.

Performance Variations

It's worth noting that performance can vary significantly depending on the specific game and system configuration. While some titles showed minimal differences between the two processors, others demonstrated more substantial gaps.

Power Consumption

Power efficiency is another crucial factor to consider. Our tests indicate that both processors have their strengths in this area, with neither holding a clear advantage across all scenarios.

Price Considerations

At the time of writing, the Ryzen 7 9700X is priced at around $340, while the Core i7-14700K comes in at approximately $380. However, the plot thickens when we consider other options in the market.

The Unexpected Winner

Surprisingly, neither the 9700X nor the 14700K emerges as the clear winner in this comparison. For gamers seeking top performance, the Ryzen 7 7800X3D is a compelling option, albeit with current availability issues.

For those prioritizing value, the Ryzen 7 7700X presents an attractive alternative. Priced at just $250, it offers comparable gaming performance to the 9700X at a significantly lower cost.


While the battle between the Ryzen 7 9700X and Core i7-14700K is close, especially on newer Windows builds, neither processor stands out as the definitive choice. The real winner in this comparison might just be the more affordable Ryzen 7 7700X, offering similar performance at a lower price point.

As always, the best choice depends on your specific needs, budget, and the games you play. It's a reminder that in the world of computer hardware, the landscape is always shifting, and sometimes the best option isn't always the newest or most expensive.