Discover the Fresh Features of the Calculator App in iOS 18

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Apple's Secret: 5 Hidden iOS 18 Features You Won’t Believe

Apple's latest iOS 18 update has garnered significant attention for its prominent new features, but a closer look reveals several lesser-known enhancements that could transform how users interact with their iPhones. Here are five hidden gems in iOS 18 that Apple didn't highlight during their keynote.

Hidden App Labels

iOS 18 offers users a cleaner Home Screen by allowing them to hide app labels. By long-pressing an app icon and selecting "Hide Label," users can make the icon text disappear, resulting in a minimalist interface. This feature is ideal for those who prefer a streamlined visual experience.

Enhanced Calculator Conversions

The Calculator app in iOS 18 has received a significant upgrade. Users can now perform various unit conversions directly within the app by long-pressing the calculated result. This new menu offers conversions for currency exchange rates, measurements, and temperatures, eliminating the need to switch between different apps.

Precision Charging Control

To address concerns about battery longevity, iOS 18 introduces a "Charging Limit" option within the Battery Health settings. This feature allows users to set a maximum charging level below 100%, which can help extend the battery's lifespan. Research indicates that keeping the battery slightly under full charge can significantly improve its durability.

Link Previews in Messages

iOS 18 has made it easier to preview links received in text messages. By long-pressing a link within the Messages app, users can view a small preview window that displays the website's content. This feature helps users decide whether to open the link, providing a handy way to avoid spam or quickly gauge the link's relevance.

Redesigned iCloud Interface

The iCloud settings in iOS 18 have been quietly overhauled to offer a more intuitive and visually appealing layout. The revamped interface simplifies the management of iCloud storage, backups, and subscriptions, making it more user-friendly and easier to navigate.

These under-the-radar features demonstrate that Apple’s innovation in iOS 18 goes beyond the headline announcements. As users explore the update, they are likely to appreciate these subtle yet impactful improvements.